Campus and Student Life

Pioneers are always on the lookout for their next big adventure. At Carroll, it’s right around every corner. No matter what your interest, there’s a way to get involved, make friends, pursue your current passion or discover something new. You’ll find you’ve joined a warm, welcoming and supportive community.

Campus Center

The Center of Everything

The Campus Center is a pretty big deal. In fact, it's going to be pretty much your second home while you're at Carroll. 

Getting Around transportation options make it easy

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plates of food


Flexible meal plans and menus are offered for all of our seven on-campus dining locations.

Students at orientation


Our dedicated Orientation Mentors create programming and resources that make your transition to college life as smooth (and fun!) as possible.

Students studying on the rooftop

Community Culture

Through various programming and initiatives, our Office of Community Culture works to promote fresh perspectives, cultivate a sense of belonging, and enrich the Carroll community.

The Veteran's House

Military and Veterans

We offer support and assistance for current and former service members and their families as they pursue their academic, career and personal goals at Carroll.

50+ Student-Led Organizations

Meet fellow Pioneers who share your interests and develop your leadership skills in organizations related to academic programs, service/advocacy, diversity, government, recreation and more.

Explore Student Orgs


Get in the game with our 22 NCAA Division III athletics teams or cheer for the Pioneers at competitions throughout the year.

Explore Our Teams

Community Service and Volunteering

We live out Carroll’s mission of service through volunteering, mentorship programs, civic engagement and more.

Discover Service Opportunities

Recreational Sports

RecSports offers the campus community intramural sports, club sports, group fitness, open recreation and equipment rental opportunities.

Get Involved with RecSports

Spiritual Life

Weekly programs, retreats and partnerships with local faith communities give students many options for reflection and worship.

Learn More
Welcome to Waukesha

Our campus is just blocks from charming downtown Waukesha’s riverfront shops and restaurants, putting you in walking distance of everything you want to do.

Meet Your New Hometown

See Carroll For Yourself

Panoramic View of campus