Department Research

Jason Bennett PT, MSPT, PhD, SCS, ATC

Current Studies
  • Strength, kinematic, and kinetic variables at 6, 9, and 12 months post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
  • Differences in bone mineral density (BMD) in cross-fit athletes versus matched controls
  • Maternal child wellness program
Bennett JE, Austin TA, Hayes A, Reinking MR. “Analysis of calcaneal bone mineral density (cBMD) in healthy college students.” Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2022;17(2):218-227.

Bennett JE, Austin TA, Hayes A, Reinking MR. “Calcaneal bone density and bone stress injury in NCAA division I athletes and non-intercollegiate athlete college students.” Br J Sports Med. 2021;55(Suppl 1):A1-A188.

Barenie MJ, Domenick JT, Bennett JE, Schweitzer GG, Shetty P, Weiss EP.  “Short-term back squat protocol effect on 5km run performance.”  Int J Exer Sci. 2020;13(7):1770-1782.

Bennett JE, Austin TA, Hayes A, Reinking MR. “A comparison of calcaneal bone density in collegiate athletes and non-athletes.” Br J Sports Med. 2017;51(4):294.

Austin TA, Bennett JE, Hayes A, Reinking MR. “Calcaneal density in collegiate athletes and non-athletes: association with bone injury, menstrual function, and activity.” J Athl Train. 2015;50(9):981-985.

Reinking MF, Austin TA, Bennett JE, Hayes A. “Lower extremity overuse bone injury risk factors in collegiate athletes: a pilot study.” Inter J Sport Phys Ther. 2015;10(2):155-167.

Bennett JE, Reinking MF, Rauh MJ. “The relationship between isotonic plantar flexor endurance, navicular drop, and exercise-related leg pain in a cohort of collegiate cross-country runners.” Inter J Sport Phys Ther. 2012;7(3):267-278.

Newsham KR, Bennett JE, Howell TG. “The effect of surface angle on a six- week single leg squat exercise program.”  J Athl Train. 2012;47(3):S158-159

Bennett JE, Reinking MF, Pluemer B, Pentel A, Seaton M, Killian C. “Factors contributing to the development of medial tibial stress syndrome in high school runners.” J Orthop Sport Phys Ther. 2001;31(9):504-10.

Bennett JE. Chapter 15: “Electromyographic (EMG) Biofeedback” in Physical Agents in Rehabilitation, An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice, 6th edition, M. Cameron.  Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, © 2022.

Bennett JE, Kaar S, Youngblood SA. “Imaging of the lower leg, ankle & foot (LLAF) for the sports physical therapistfrom: Diagnostic Imaging in Sports Physical Therapy (Editor Rosenthal M). Home Study Course; APTA Sports Physical Therapy Section.

Bennett JE. Chapter 4: “Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciopathy in the aging athlete” from: Rehabilitation of the aging athlete (Editor Cuoco A). Home Study Course; APTA Sports Physical Therapy Section.
Noteworthy Presentations
  • Moynihan JR, Havlovitz RJ, Pearson JT, Bennett JEIsometric Strength and Kinetic Variables at 10 months Post Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR): Case Report of a NCAA Division III Female Basketball Player.”  2022 Wisconsin APTA Fall Conference (poster presentation); Wisconsin Dells, WI.
  • American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE) – On-Site Reviewer
  • American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy (AASPT) abstract review committee
  • Evidence-Based Practice Committee, NATA BOC
  • Committee of Content Experts (CCE), National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)
  • Specialist Academy of Content Experts (SACE) II, NBME
  • Liaison, APTA Sports Physical Therapy Section
  • Certified Examiner, NATA Board of Certification (BOC)
  • Specialist Academy of Content Experts (SACE) I, NBME
  • USA Wrestling (USAW) Medical Volunteer
  • Medical Volunteer, United States Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, CO
  • Medical Volunteer, USA Paralympic Shooting Team
  • Medical Volunteer, United States Olympic Committee, Chula Vista, CA
  • Alpha Eta Honor Society
  • Best Poster, RMUoHP 6th Annual EBP Symposium
  • Marilyn Ott Ratay Scholarship in Physical Therapy
  • Health & Physical Education Honor Student
  • Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
  • Summa Cum Laude

Dr. Rita Deering, PT, DPT, PhD

Current Studies

Researchers at Carroll University are looking for Moms between the ages of 20-35 who have given birth in the last 2 years to participate in an exercise and wellness program with their child(ren)! Mothers cannot participate if:

  • Less than 6 weeks postpartum
  • ​Advised by a medical provider to not resume exercise 
  • Multiple gestation in most recent pregnancy
  • Taking prescription anti-inflammatory/pain medications daily 
  • Have any fractures, severe scoliosis, etc. that would limit participating in strength testing and exercise
  • Have heart or breathing problems 
  • Have Diabetes
  • Have a neurological disorder (MS, neuropathy, stroke, seizure, etc.) 
  • Have had abdominal surgery other than Cesarean delivery
  • Are a smoker or use other forms of tobacco or nicotine products

If you meet these criteria and want to participate, scan the QR code in the photo, use this link to request further information, or email

Research Survey on Pain During Pregnancy & Satisfaction with Perinatal Care (available in English & Spanish): Have you given birth in the past two years? Your feedback is needed for a pregnancy related pain research survey! Your experience is valid and valuable for future research to be done regarding women’s health! Your voice matters. If you or someone you know gave birth in the last 2 years, scan the QR code or click the link below to participate in a quick survey. Survey is available to read in Spanish or English. IRB#22-002. You must be 18 years or older.

Study of Muscle Function After Pregnancy: Researchers at Carroll University in the Department of Physical Therapy are looking for women (20-35 years old) who have had a baby within the last five months, or who are due to deliver a baby in the near future, to participate in a study on muscle function after pregnancy and child birth.  Healthy women who have never been pregnant (20-35 years old) are also needed, in order to compare muscle function. Compensation will be provided for participants.

This protocol now has IRB approval through Carroll University. Those interested in participating should contact Dr. Rita Deering, DPT, PhD at or 262-951-3047.

Christopher SM, Gallagher S, Olson A, Cichowski S, Deering RE. Rehabilitation of the Postpartum Runner: A Four Phase Approach. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy 2022; 46(2):73-86.

Deering RE, Christopher SM, Heiderscheit BC. From Childbirth to the Starting Blocks: Are We Providing the Best Care to Our Postpartum Athletes? Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2020; 50(6): 281-284.

Deering RE, Chumanov ES, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Exercise Program Reduces Inter-Recti Distance in Female Runners Up to Two Years Postpartum. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy 2020; 44(1):9-18.

Deering R, Pashibin T, Cruz M, Hunter SK, Hoeger-Bement M.  Fatiguing Trunk Flexor Exercise Decreases Pain Sensitivity in Postpartum Women. Frontiers in Physiology (Exercise Physiology) 2019; 10(315).

Deering RE, Senefeld J, Pashibin T, Neumann D, Cruz M, and Hunter SK.  Fatigability of the Lumbopelvic Stabilizing Muscles in Women 8 and 26 Weeks Postpartum.  Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy 2018; 42(3): 128-138.

Deering RE, Cruz M, Senefeld JW, Pashibin T, Eickmeyer S, Hunter SK. Impaired Trunk Flexor Strength, Fatigability, and Steadiness in Postpartum Women.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2018, 50(8); 1558-1569.

Deering RE, Senefeld J, Pashibin T, Neumann D, Hunter SK. Muscle Function and Fatigability of Trunk Flexors in Males and Females. Biology of Sex Differences 2017; 8:12.

Stewart BC, Dai S, Havens KL, Eggleston JD, Bagwell JJ, Deering RE, Little EE, Catena RD. Determining fall risk change throughout pregnancy: the accuracy of postpartum survey and relationship to fall efficacy. Ergonomics, 2023 Dec 22:1-10. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2023.2296827.

Deering RE, Donnelly G, Brockwell E, Bo K, Davenport MH, DeVivo M, Dufour S, Forner L, Mills H, Moore IS, Olson A, Christopher SM. Clinical and exercise professional opinion on designing a postpartum return-to-running training program: an international Delphi study and consensus statement. British Journal of Sports Medicine, Br J Sports Med, 2024 Jan 8:bjsports-2023-107490. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107490. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38191239.

Christopher SM, Donnelly G, Brockwell E, Bo K, Davenport MH, DeVivo M, Dufour S, Forner L, Mills H, Moore IS, Olson A, Deering RE. Clinical and exercise professional opinion of return-to-running readiness after childbirth: an international Delphi study and consensus statement. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2023 Dec 26:bjsports- 2023-107489. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107489. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38148108.

Deering RE, Mountjoy M. REDs and the Lactating Athlete: An Evidence Gap. British
Journal of Sports Medicine, 
2023; 57(17): 1065-1066.

Piropato L, Deering RE. Addressing the Kinetic Chain in a Postpartum Multisport Athlete: A Case Report. Journal of Women’s and Pelvic Health Physical Therapy, 2023; 47(2): 122-132.

Deering RE, Christopher SM. “The Pregnant and Postpartum Athlete” in The Female Athlete Throughout the Lifespan. Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, APTA. 2022. lifespan
Noteworthy Presentations

Past Speaking Engagements

  • ReCOREfitness Return to Running Postpartum webinar series: invited to discuss my research on abdominal function after pregnancy and childbirth. May 3rd, 2022.
  • “The Impact of Pregnancy & Childbirth on Neuromuscular Function” for the American Physical Therapy Association’s American Academy of Sports Physical Therapists, Female Athlete Special Interest Group Webinar. October 16, 2021.
  • Deering, R.E., Mountjoy, M., Radcliffe, P. The Female Runner Throughout Life and Pregnancy. World Athletics & International Institute of Race Medicine Endurance Running Medicine Webinar; June 26, 2021.
  • “Optimizing Musculoskeletal Health in the Female Runner” for American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Academy of Sports Physical Therapy “Science Meets Practice” symposium presentation, February 2021
  • Interviewed for and quoted in the book Up to Speed: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes (Riverhead Books, May 16, 2023) by Christine Yu.
  • Active Mom Postpartum Podcast: invited to discuss my research and return to running after childbirth. October 2022.
  • Christopher SM, Bagwell J, Havens K, Deering RE. Oh Baby! Debunking Perinatal Myths to Better Inform Clinical Practice. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 15-17, 2024. Boston, MA.
  • Deering RE, Christopher S. How to Guide Return to Running After Childbirth: An Expert Consensus. The Female Athlete Conference, June 16, 2023. Boston, MA (30 minute educational track session).
  • Deering RE, Christopher S. Return to Sport After Childbirth: Integrating Motherhood & Athletics. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting and World Congress on Exercise is Medicine and World Congress on the Basic Science of Physical Activity and Aging, June 2, 2023. Denver, CO (50 minute tutorial lecture).
  • Bagwell J, Christopher S, Deering RE, Havens K. Oh, baby! How Biomechanics Research Can Inform Perinatal Clinical Decisions. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, February 24, 2023. San Diego, CA. (2 hour educational session)
  • Coady M, Hickey K, Deering RE. Influence of an 8-Week Exercise Intervention on Mental Health Outcomes in Postpartum Females. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting & World Congress, June 1, 2023, Denver, CO. (Published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise)
  • Hickey K, Deering RE. Influence of Pregnancy-Related Musculoskeletal Pain on Satisfaction with Prenatal Care. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, February 24, 2023, San Diego, CA. (Published in the Journal of Women’s and Pelvic Health Physical Therapy 2023)
  • Deering RE, Pashibin T, Senefeld J, Cruz M, Hunter SK, Hoeger-Bement M. Postpartum Women
    are More Sensitive to Pressure Pain Stimuli at Abdomen and Pelvis but Demonstrate Similar Exercise Induced Hypoalgesia as Nulligravid Women. International Pelvic Pain Society Annual Meeting, October 19-21, 2018, Chicago, IL.
  • Deering RE, Senefeld J, Pashibin T, Cruz M, Brazauskas R, Neumann D, Hunter SK. Strength and Fatigability of the Trunk Flexor Muscles in Postpartum Women is Impaired Up to 26 Weeks After Delivery. Milwaukee Regional Research Forum, October 24, 2016, Wauwatosa, WI
  • Deering RE, Senefeld J, Pashibin T, Cruz M, Neumann D, Bement M, Hunter SK. Postpartum Women Demonstrate Decreased Abdominal Muscle Strength and Decline in Self-Reported Physical Activity Between 8 Weeks and 26 Weeks Postpartum. Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care Annual Conference, April 25, 2016, Elkhart Lake, WI.
  • Deering RE, Senefeld J, Pashibin T, Nisivaco S, Lemens J, Bement M, Neumann D, Hunter SK. Novel Clinical Test of Fatigability of the Lumbopelvic Stabilizing Muscles in Postpartum & Nulliparous Women. Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association Spring Meeting, April 14-15, 2016, Middleton, WI.
  • Deering RE, Senefeld J, Pashibin T, Lemley K, Cruz M, Neumann D, Hunter SK. Strength and
    Fatigability of the Trunk Flexor Muscles in Postpartum Women. American Physical Therapy
    Association Combined Sections Meeting
    , February 17-20, 2016, Anaheim, CA. (Published in the
    Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy 2016).
  • Deering RE, Senefeld J, Pashibin T, Pereira H, Bement M, Eickmeyer S, Hunter SK. Fatigability and Steadiness of the Trunk Flexor Muscles in Young, Healthy Adults. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, May 24-30, 2015, San Diego, CA. (Published in the Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise 2015)
  • American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pelvic Health Research Award (2024)
  • American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting (2023)
  • Featured on WUWM’s Lake Effect

Grant Support

  • Waukesha County Women & Girls Fund 2022: Title: Maternal Child Wellness Program; Role: Principal Investigator
  • Carroll University Faculty Development Grant Awards: 2022/2023, 2020/2021, 2019/2022
  • Veteran’s Affairs Advanced Fellowship in Women’s Health: William S. Middleton VA Hospital/University of Wisconsin Center for Women’s Health Research, Office of Academic Affiliations, US Department of Veterans Affairs; PI: Molly Carnes, MD; Role: Postdoctoral Fellow
  • CTSI/NIH Post-Doctoral TL1 Training Fellowship Grant (August 16, 2016-August 15, 2017): CTSI of Southeastern Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin; National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health; Grant Numbers UL1TR001436 and 1TL1TR001437; Role: Fellow
  • Women’s Health Research Program Grant (January 1, 2015-June 30, 2016): Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology; Title: Neuromuscular Function in Women Postpartum; Role: Co-Investigator
  • Research Assistantship (Fall 2012-Summer 2016): Clinical & Translational Rehabilitation Health Sciences PhD Program; Department of Physical Therapy, Program in Exercise Science, Marquette University; Role: Research Assistant

Sara Deprey PT, PHD

Current Studies
  • The effect of a dementia simulation in health science student’ empathy
Kobiske K, Deprey SM. A dementia simulation as a teaching strategy for nursing and physical therapy students A qualitative study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2022, 67: 11-17.
Deprey SM. Outcomes of Flipped Classroom Instruction in an Entry–level Physical Therapy Course. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2018:32 (3);289-294 doi: 10.1097/JTE.0000035.
Deprey SM, Biedrzycki L, Klenz K. Identifying characteristics and outcomes that are associated with fall-related fatalities: multi-year retrospective summary
of fall deaths in older adults from 2005–2012. Injury Epidemiology. 2017: 4:21doi: 10.1186/s40621-017-0117-8.
Deprey SM, Biedrzycki L, Klenz K. One Wisconsin County’s Experience with Fall-Related Mortality. Wisconsin Medical Journal. 2015:114. (6); 253-256.
Livingston J, SM Deprey, Hensley C. Clinical decision, and diagnostic process in a young adult female with lateral hip pain: a case report. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 2015;10 (5).
Talatzko SB, Deprey SM, Hager N, Comprehensive facility-wide approach improves outcomes after lower extremity surgical arthroplasty in an acute care hospital.  Journal of Healthcare Quality.  2014 May/June 36:17-27.
Deprey SM.  Descriptive analysis of fatal falls of older adults in a midwestern county.  Journal of Geriatric Phys Ther. 2009; 32:23-28.
Brosky JA, Deprey SM, Hopp JF, Maher EJ.  Physical therapist student and community partner perspectives and attitudes regarding service-learning experiences.  Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2006; 20:41-48.
Brosky JA, Hopp JF, Miller TB, Deprey SM.  Integrating Theory and Practice on Wellness and Prevention with Older Adults in Self-Contained Clinical Education Experiences.  Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2001; 15:29-36.


Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist Emeritus  |  5/2021
Virtual Dementia Tour ® Certified Trainer  |  2/2020


  • Carroll University: Benjamin F Richason Jr, Award May 2017
  • Carroll University: Norman and Louise Allhiser Award for Excellence in Teaching 2009
  • Mary Pat Murray Award for Clinical Excellence November 2009
  • Mary Pat Murray Award for Clinical Excellence November 1997

Dr. Kimberly Klug

Current Studies
  • Maternal Child Wellness: The purpose of this study is to assess and promote developmental outcomes following parent education and coaching on play behaviors, handling, communication, and use of toys for play.   

Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association. Fact Sheet: Child Abuse and Neglect.  Published April, 2021.   

Klug KB, Kolobe THA, James S, Arnold SA. Concurrent validity of the School Outcomes Measure and the School Function Assessment in students kindergarten through sixth grade. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2020:32(3):180-188. 

Klug K, Currier B. Commentary on “Layout for Assessing Dynamic Posture (LADy): Development, validation, and reproducibility. Pediatr Phys Ther, 2016;28(4):445. 

Gilbert CB, Gross MT, Klug KB. Relationship between hip external rotation and turnout angle for the five classical ballet positions. JOSPT. 1998;27(5):339-347.

Noteworthy Presentations
  • Kasimatis MD, Murphy KL, Klug KB. (April, 2022). Advancing mental health literacy in health science students: An interprofessional pilot study. Poster presented at: 94th Conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association; April, 2022; Chicago, IL. 
  • Klug, KB, Levielle W.  Evidence-based practice and establishing a journal club for school-based clinicians: Where do I start?  Virtual presentation at:  CESA 1 Statewide School-Based OT/PT Conference; November, 2021. 
  • Klug KB. Ethical considerations for provision of school-based virtual therapy.  Virtual presentation at:  CESA 1 Statewide School-Based OT/PT Conference; November, 2020. 
  • Stuyvenberg CL, Klug KB. Enhancing pediatric physical therapy practices by applying principles of infant and early childhood mental health.  Oral presentation at:  American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting; February, 2020; Denver, CO. 
  • Kotney L, Klug KB. Navigating the complex web of school-based therapy from a legal and ethical perspective.  Oral presentation at:  CESA 1 Statewide School-Based OT/PT Conference; November, 2017; Wisconsin Dells, WI. 
  • Klug KB, Cronwell K.  Dosage options for school0based occupational and physical therapists.  Oral presentation at:  CESA 1 Statewide School-Based OT/PT Conference; November, 2016; Wisconsin Dells, WI. 
  • Klug K, Arnold S, Kolobe T, James S, Degrace B, Silverman M. Concurrent validity of the School Outcomes Measure (SOM) and the School Function Assessment (SFA) in students kindergarten through sixth grade.  Poster presented at:  American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting; February, 2016; Anaheim, CA.
  • Carroll University Faculty Development Grant, 2022 
  • American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists 
    • Committee of Content Experts pediatrics 2019-present 
    • Specialization Academy of Content Experts 2016-2019 
    • Top Item Writer Award 2017 
Panoramic View of campus