Rankin Hall Dedication

9/14/2018 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
130 W. College Ave., Waukesha

Rankin Hall Dedication
Please join us as we celebrate the reopening of this national landmark. You’ll have an opportunity to tour the building as part of this dedication.

About the Property 

Carroll was a mere 60 years old when Rankin Hall, a modern architectural feat for its time, welcomed its first class of 73 students. Originally, the building was almost exclusively devoted to chemistry, biology, geology and physics laboratories and classrooms. Since then, it’s been home to a variety of academic programs. Last refurbished in the 1970s, the newly-renovated Rankin Hall is now ready for the 21st century, poised to meet the needs of our newest generation of students. Updated spaces include technology-infused classrooms and offices for faculty, predominantly in environmental science, psychology and biology.


Reply to Katherine Bingham at kbingham@carrollu.edu or 262.951.3015 by September 7, 2018.  

Panoramic View of campus